Alta Tecnologia
Hi-Tech Communications
Jerry Sanders, Andy Grove, and Bill Gates (CEOs
of AMD, Intel, and Microsoft, in case you didn't recognize
one (or more?) of the names) were in a high-powered
business meeting. During the serious, tense discussions,
a beeping noise suddenly is emitted from where
Jerry is sitting.
Jerry says, "Oh, that's my emergency beeper.
Gentlemen, excuse me, I really need to take this call." So Jerry
lifts his wristwatch to his ear and begins
talking into the end of his tie. After completing this call, he notices
others are staring at him.
Jerry explains, "Oh, this is my new emergency
communication system. I have an earpiece built into my watch
and a microphone sewn into the end of my tie.
That way, I can a take a call anywhere."
The others nod, and the meeting continues.
Five minutes later, the discussion is again
interrupted when Andy starts beeping. He also states, "Oh, that is my
emergency beeper. Excuse me, gentlemen, this
must be an important call." So Andy taps his earlobe and begins
talking into thin air.
When he completes his call, he notices the
others staring at him and explains, "I also have an emergency
communication system. But my earpiece is actually
implanted in my earlobe, and the microphone is actually
embedded in this fake tooth. Isn't that neat?"
The others nod, and the meeting continues.
Five minutes later, the discussion is again
interrupted when Bill emits a thunderous fart. He looks up at the
others staring at him and says, "Uhh, somebody
get me a piece of paper... I'm receiving a fax."